Will be active once again on my Space in July

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve had a hard time being active on this Space. Not because I’m tired of Spaces, but I’ve just been too busy. Ending my senior year, prepping up for college, taking care of responsibilities, clubs and meetings, and other things have preoccupied my time. Also, I’ve generally blogged on my desktop, a Dell Dimension E510 that dates back to 2005, runs XP, and wasn’t the best computer of its time, and its much worse considering how things have changed since then. In other words, I’ve blogged on a pretty slow computer and I just got tired of trying to put in blogging when my computer was dragging through everything. I’ll be getting a new tablet/laptop soon so I’ll be up to date on things.

I’ll also work on making this blog something more different than the general Microsoft-related news blogs you read. Here’s how:

  • More in-depth posts on MS-stuff – I’m going to go more in-depth with Microsoft-related news with more detailed paragraphs, good screenshots, and a collection of good related links to make my post a good consolidated view of all things MS. I find this to be better than a bunch of updated posts that some blogs may do just to get more views and ad clicks (considering I don’t get compensated on Spaces…)
  • “ALT Microsoft” (ALT-MS to be short) – This will be a series of posts where I create fictional Microsoft posts based on things I would like to aspire Microsoft to do, or maybe to poke fun at Microsoft to do something that they’ve been slow to do. I’m aiming this towards Microsoft employees that might read this blog.
  • Linkposts – Basically a post with a some good links I think are worth checking out that will probably be Microsoft related. I probably won’t do a full post or anything that these links might have, so I just put some together that you, the reader, may want to check out. I’ll probably have a hyperlink with a good brief description next to it.
  • The Future – As my blog title states, “Microsoft and the Future”, I also like to write about the future. The “future” isn’t exclusive to MS but I may include MS regarding tech bits. The Future will be a series of posts that will target a specific topic (like supermarkets, computers, etc.) and how I think they’ll develop or be in our near future. I think all my Future posts will try to be practical in regards to the 21st century.

I may also try to put prizes and contests too, and try to update the polls on my Space more weekly.

I’ll continue to use Windows Live Spaces because I think it works sufficiently enough to continue making blog posts, plus I have established a somewhat solid readership already. Unless things go awry with Spaces, I’ll stick to this. If Spaces just goes too bad for me, then I’ll probably upgrade to WordPress.

So wish me luck, and I’ll hopefully be ready with a slew of posts in July.