Macrosoft being revamped

So I’ve decided to get a new theme for this blog. Name is staying the same as well as content.

I’ve wanted to blog so much, I have so many drafts, but I can never get around to fine tuning the posts before submitting them. So I’ve decided that I will take another shot at blogging again about things I love/hate about Microsoft from a consumer/student perspective, stuff I wish Microsoft would be more gutsy (and often time smarter) to do, and of course the occasional rant.

I might mess around with different themes until I find what I like.

I’m also changing the tagline. Originally, I started on Windows Live Spaces (if anyone remembers that) as MSFT and the Future, with an optimistic hope for Microsoft. Then it became Macrosoft when the inevitable migration to WordPress happened, with a more critical perspective of Microsoft and wanting to look at what I felt was “the bigger picture”.

Now I just want to focus on the bits of stuff I notice about Microsoft, my love/hate relationship with Microsoft and my wishlist and rants towards Microsoft. I used to get a fair amount of readers from Redmond, if the stats I used on an app with Windows Live Spaces is to be believed, and I’d love to see some people there check out my blog sometime to understand what I as a consumer and a university student feel when i see or deal with Microsoft software and services.

I loved blogging before, and I definitely want to go back to it. So I’m changing the tagline of this blog from “Exploring the bigger picture of Microsoft” to “The tales of a university student exploring the scope of Microsoft’s consumer products and services.” I didn’t want to bother migrating or dealing with changing the Macrosoft(er) name so I put “scope” to keep the name in check.

I want this blog to have a lighter tone, not have to worry about being serious, and truly share my thoughts as a user.

I’m still a major fan of Microsoft, but I’m not a fanatic. I will criticize Microsoft as much as I’d like, but I’ll also praise them on things I enjoy. As of September 2013, I think they’ve been making a lot of bad decisions in their attempts to gain  more consumer mindshare, but I believe as they keep refining and fixing what they do, they’ll reach a much better level of consumer interest.

Here’s to hoping that Microsoft continues to be better and always improving, and that I will blog more frequently, at least once a week. Thanks for reading!

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